PinkSuite Feedback or Ideas
Please include as much detail as you can about your request, feedback, or idea. If you have a content request, please include anything specific you want the content to say or a specific way you want things worded. We also encourage you to include screenshots or screen recrodings if you can. Please provide us with as much written and visual details as you can to help our team understand your request.
If you have examples of what you are reaching out about, please upload them below.
PLEASE NOTE: We completely value your ideas and feedback and want to provide the best possible experience we can for our members. However, we cannot guarantee that your idea or request will be completed, or give you a time frame by which it would be completed. Feedback and suggestions will absolutely be considered. Minor updates may be made on your suggestion alone., however, larger projects may wait until we receive enough feedback showing us that project needs to be added to the list.